Immobilisation in Wickford & Basildon, Essex with Project X




PIN code immobilisers here’s an example of our best seller the Ampire WFS400 Pro.

This system utilises a unique code system to allow you to unlock your vehicle, so all you have to do is select a sequence of buttons/switches to create a 4 digit code that will allow you to start your vehicle. This means that no one will be able to drive the vehicle without the code.

This system can also be paired to a mobile device to allow you to disarm your vehicle through the app (this is a pro feature and not available on the standard WFS400.

Ampire WFS400 Standard – Cost is £349.99 supplied and fitted

Ampire WFS400 Pro – Cost is £399.99 supplied and fitted

Can-Phantom immobiliser

Can-Phantom immobiliser


Can-Phantom immobiliser

Can-Phantom immobiliser